Why a Locavore Contest?

My Motivations:

1. 7vs7 needed a new contest.
Remi started  the first 7vs7 last year based on a contest he read about. Bob Barker was once my hero. I love contests and like to challenge myself.  I am not competitive.  I like to participate and I like others to participate with me, hence my party planning leading to a marathon for my friend’s bachelorette party. I grew up having to prepare meals for the family once a week starting at 10 years old.  I also grew up with a bicyclist father who organized rides under the slogan “we are not responsible” and that is how I like to deal with my contests too.

2. To pursue avenues of knowledge that had not previously occurred to me.
I was a vegetarian for 17 years. In first grade, I found out the meat on my plate could have come from the farm I visited earlier that day, I lost all interest in where meat/seafood products came from and never ate it again. I ate a piece of meat about 1.5 years ago and wanted to know where the meat on my plate came from.

3. A bottomless curiosity about nearly all things finite and infinite.
My curiosity about where food comes from and the relation to my environment grew even more once I had that bite of meat.  The media in all formats helped fuel my curiosity about where food comes from, especially the Meatless Monday’s Movement and vegans going locavore on those days.

4. A fascination for the way people live and learning by experiencing.
(Some of you have heard this) I went to Bamyian, AF in May a few years ago. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. The town is so high up in the mountains that there was still snow on the ground.  Kids would babysit each other while the parents would pack cow pies to dry and burn for fuel in their mud brick houses.  There was very little to eat in the town, potatoes, eggs, onions, that was it.  They were coming out of the winter season.  At the time i was vegetarian but rich people could also eat chicken, and lamb meat but even that was rare.  So, I guess in another way of looking at the 100 mile challenge, it is a lifestyle many are forced to live across the globe. What the challenge can really show, which many forget about, is that local products could not be what they are today without a global influence.  Support local but never forget this is a global market and we do all work together.

5. The “S” Word.
The use of the word sustainable has exploded in recent years.  Many think of this word in relation to the environment.  However it can be used in many ways as long as the message conveys what is it that someone wants to sustain.  So from the strict view, what would it take to only consume pure local products.

… & there you have it, a brief explanation of my motivations behind 7vs7 Locavore: The 100 Mile Challenge Round 1. Round 2 certainly has more to add especially when talking about the “s” word.

The outcome? I would like to create a locavore style  “Annual Manual” of all the local vendors, restaurants, products, farms, etc. in our 100 mile radius to help others and myself learn more about what’s going on with our food and where we can buy it.  Please send suggestions etc. for this free for everyone to access directory.

8 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Ryan on August 28, 2009 at 11:20 AM

    “I would like to create a locavore style “Annual Manual” of all the local vendors, restaurants, products, farms, etc. in our 100 mile radius …”

    Now THAT is a great idea. I’m going to forward that along — I think it could be a really nice addition/companion to the printed DTE.

    To sum up my blogger, that is a great idea.


  2. I like your motivations and am keeping track of all I’m discovering. I’ll pass along the info I collect. I’m curious if I’ll end up eating roasted potatoes every day….


  3. Good points! Many of your motivations are my motivations, too. I’m really excited about this competition, and even though we all probably won’t make it, I hope we do! Everyone should know where their food comes from, it’s a scary scary world out there. And even though I know you can be competitive, because I have seen it, “this isn’t about competition, it’s about completion.”

    Locavore “Annual Manual” would be awesome!!


  4. Your manual idea is great. It sounds like you have the desire and wonderful motivations to survive the challenge 🙂


  5. Thanks Ryan, Moneeeq, and Stephanie for passing along any information you find.

    Becky: When am I competitive?! (for the record we have known each other since we were about 7yrs old.


  6. You are competitive in that you like to challenge people..such as in board games and Wii games (hello, Mariokart?!) and stuff. Not so much sports. You do it in a casual indifferent way but deep down I know..we all know.. you’re competitive. Or maybe you just like talk a big game”?


  7. I think she’s competitive in sports; you should see her play horse against former EWU college basketball star, TJ, down at the Peaceful Valley hoops. It was quite the spectacle.

    No, she’s not THAT competitive, she just likes to partake and have fun.

    Her motivations are my motivations too! Rumple up!


  8. Great motivations! I’m going to try and keep these things in mind as the days wear on and I’m confronted by salt at every turn.


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